What an amazing turnout during our semi-final round! 58,659 Votes were cast across our two versions of the ballot, and after catching the cheaters, here are the results for the top 50% for each category:
To give an explanation of the above analysis – for each Nominee we calculated their:
Popular Total, or first choices when ranking.
Borda Total, where the max rank – current rank +1 generates the full score we use to determine finalists.
Modified Borda Total, where we remove the +1 from max rank – current rank, to make sure people voting randomly for one show in a category doesn’t alter our data.
From here, each individual nominee took the score their show had received, and we partitioned the top 10 shows in each category, which breaks down into the 710 Finalists we are recognizing across 45 productions going into our final round of voting.
Thank you to everyone who voted, everyone who’s given us a rating for our juried awards, and for our sponsors, both from the community, and our first partner. As a part of our new community empowerment program, these folks have helped many productions who couldn’t afford the nomination fee get represented this year! – Realm
Thank you for your support.
Without further ado, here are the results of the 2023 Semi-finals and the 2023 Finalists for the Audio Verse Awards:
New Guest Voices
A. J. Fidalgo for Among the Stacks
Adam Collier for Last Light City Comics
Alasdair Stuart for SUPER SUITS
Alex Nursal for SUPER SUITS
Alla Ilushka for Ghost Wax
Amanda Jacobson for Ghost Wax
Andy Fischer for Ghost Wax
Avalon Willowbloom for SUPER SUITS
Axandre Oge for SUPER SUITS
Ben Meredith for Re: Dracula
Ben Russell for Starship Q Star
Bennoni Thomas for SUPER SUITS
Brandon P Jenkins for SUPER SUITS
Brenden Southerland for SUPER SUITS
Cameron Weldon for Among the Stacks
Casper Stokhuyzen for Re: Dracula
Cate Jackson for Ghost Wax
Cecil Baldwin for Petrified
Chijioke Williams for SUPER SUITS
Chris Hainsworth for Fawx & Stallion
Corrbette Pasko for Fawx & Stallion
Daisy Barajas for SUPER SUITS
Dan Kovel for SUPER SUITS
Daniel Wood for Ghost Wax
Dave Kvam for Ghost Wax
David Ault for Ethics Town
David Dastmalchian for The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Delilah Tahiri for Ethics Town
Duane Cooper for Ghost Wax
Eli Labat-Angstadt for Ethics Town
Ellie Dickens for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Emily R. for Worlds Away
Erika Sanderson for Re: Dracula
Evan Gwen Davies for Ethics Town
Floris ‘Swiftly’ Bordewijk for Among the Stacks
Greg Carrobis for SUPER SUITS
H. R. Owen for Among the Stacks
Jan Pretzels for Ghost Wax
Jarvis Bailey for SUPER SUITS
Jasmine Wood for Ghost Wax
Jeff Manzolli for SUPER SUITS
Jem Hawes for Re: Dracula
Jenny Beck-Esmay for Ghost Wax
Jeremiah ‘Jokr’ Render for Among the Stacks
Jeremy Enfinger for Among the Stacks
Jo Mendacium for Among the Stacks
Jodi Hansen for SUPER SUITS
Joe Cruz for SUPER SUITS
Jolene Cotnoir for SUPER SUITS
Jordan Gwiazdowski for Ghost Wax
Joseph Gizzi for Ghost Wax
Josh Ruben for The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Joshua S for SUPER SUITS
Kamaya for SUPER SUITS
Kanin Donattelli for Among the Stacks
Kate Swindler for Ghost Wax
Kathy Wood for Ghost Wax
Katie Beck-Esmay for Ghost Wax
Kent Knutson for Ghost Wax
Kirsty Woolven for Among the Stacks
Konrad Kurtz for Ghost Wax
Lauren Seward-Munday for Among the Stacks
Lee Tomanelli for SUPER SUITS
Leland Hall for SUPER SUITS
LM Clohessy for Ethics Town
Lowri Ann Davies for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
MagpieMirrorTest for Last Light City Comics
Marguerite Kenner for SUPER SUITS
Melissa Bowens for Among the Stacks
Michelle Wetherbee for SUPER SUITS
Mike Flanagan for The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Nataniel Brown-Schilling for SUPER SUITS
Neo Upod for Among the Stacks
Nicole Nelson for Ghost Wax
Nigel McKeon for Among the Stacks
Nikki Solomon for Ghost Wax
Noori for Among the Stacks
Oli Reedy for SUPER SUITS
Paige Adams for Ethics Town
Patrick Michael Kane Clark for SUPER SUITS
Paul Hikari for SUPER SUITS
Paul Walsh for SUPER SUITS
Pentoll for Among the Stacks
R. C. Ossip for Worlds Away
Rat Grimes for Among the Stacks
Ray O’Hare for Among the Stacks
Rhys Subitch for Among the Stacks
Robert Durante for SUPER SUITS
Robert Kauzlaric for Fawx & Stallion
Rook Mogavero for SUPER SUITS
Sabine Novakovic-Wagner for SUPER SUITS
Sam Yeow for SUPER SUITS
Sara Paxton for The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Sarah Beck-Esmay for Ghost Wax
Sarah Griffin for Ethics Town
Sarah Palmero for SUPER SUITS
Scott Parker for Dice Company
Shakyra Dunn for SUPER SUITS
Skot Rief for Ghost Wax
Sophie Mackay for Ethics Town
Subhi Loganathan for Ethics Town
Tatiana Botschagow for SUPER SUITS
Tega Elam for SUPER SUITS
Thom Freitag for SUPER SUITS
Tim Meredith for SUPER SUITS
Tom Chaney for Among the Stacks
Tom Crowley for Fawx & Stallion
Torian Brackett for SUPER SUITS
Victoria Tribble for Ghost Wax
Xan Clark for SUPER SUITS
Guest Voices
Adam Faruqi for Moonbase Theta, Out
Addie Nofal for Moonbase Theta, Out
Alan Burgon for Midnight Burger
Amber Dekkers for Midnight Burger
Amber Logsdon for Academy H
AMC for Moonbase Theta, Out
Amelia Som for Kill Every Monster
Andrew Siañez de la O for Forgive Me!
Angela Morris for Death by Dying
Ann Rhodes Sweet for Forgive Me!
Aubrey Ferguson for Midnight Burger
Austin Taylor for Kill Every Monster
Beccy Stirrup for Moonbase Theta, Out
Ben Meredith for The Amelia Project
Benjamin Burdick for Midnight Burger
Benji Knapton for Kill Every Monster
Beth Eyre for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Bill Miller for To DnD or Not To DnD
Bob Frame for Forgive Me!
Brady Flanagan for Strong Branching Out
Bridgett for The Old Ways Podcast
Camille Smicker for Midnight Burger
Camren Davis for To DnD or Not To DnD
Caroline Mincks for Forgive Me!
Caroline Vuchetich for Midnight Burger
Cat Blackard for Midnight Burger
Christina Costello for Where the Stars Fell
Christine Nelson for Midnight Burger
Ciara Baxendale for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Cindy Taylor for Bell’s in the Batfry
Connie Chang for Kill Every Monster
Cooper Shaw for Midnight Burger
Cory Weintraub for Academy H
Daisy Guevara for Hello From The Hallowoods
Dallas Wheatley for Forgive Me!
Dallis Seeker for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Dany Ellett for Forgive Me!
David Ault for The Amelia Project
David Pellow for Forgive Me!
David Rheinstrom for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
David S. Dear for Forgive Me!
David S. Dear for The Amelia Project
Derek Emerson Powell for Forgive Me!
Derrick Valen for Strong Branching Out
Donovan Mullings for Death by Dying
Eira Major for Strong Branching Out
Eli Barraza for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Emma Sherr-Ziarko for Forgive Me!
Emma Sherr-Ziarko for Moonbase Theta, Out
Evan Gulock for Midnight Burger
Fay Roberts for Trice Forgotten
Felix Trench for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Felix Trench for The Amelia Project
George Goldfeder for Kill Every Monster
Graham Rowat for Forgive Me!
Grant Howitt for Realms of Peril & Glory
Harlan Guthrie for Hello From The Hallowoods
Harlan Guthrie for Old Gods of Appalachia
Harli Kane for Kill Every Monster
Hayley Evenett for The Amelia Project
Hedley Knights for Death by Dying
Hesham Elshazly for Moonbase Theta, Out
Ian DePriest for Forgive Me!
Ian Ferguson for Midnight Burger
Jack Falahee for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Jacob Danielson-Moore for Old Gods of Appalachia
Jaiden Ramirez for Severed Sons
James Makepeace for Trice Forgotten
Jason Dania for Moonbase Theta, Out
Jean Williams for Bell’s in the Batfry
Jeff Van Dreason for Forgive Me!
Jeff Van Dreason for Moonbase Theta, Out
Jeremy Thompson for Where the Stars Fell
Jessica Marcrum for Kill Every Monster
Jessica Morris for Midnight Burger
Jill Oliver for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Joe Fisher for Moonbase Theta, Out
John Crowder for Strong Branching Out
Jonathan Sims for The Amelia Project
Jordan Cobb for Forgive Me!
Jordan Higgs for Forgive Me!
Josh Rubino for Moonbase Theta, Out
Josh Rubino for The Amelia Project
José Angel Donado for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Julia Schifini for Forgive Me!
Karim C. Kronfli for Forgive Me!
Karim Kronfli for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Kdin Jenzen for Hello From The Hallowoods
Keith Cable for Midnight Burger
Kristen DeMercurio for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Krystal Osborne for Forgive Me!
LaQuin Groves for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Lauren Grace Thompson for Midnight Burger
Lauren LeBlanc for Midnight Burger
Lauren Shippen for Forgive Me!
Laurence Owen for Midnight Burger
Lindsay Sharman for Midnight Burger
Lisette Alvarez for Moonbase Theta, Out
Liz Moss for Strong Branching Out
Llewyn Ashton for Where the Stars Fell
Lowri Ann Davies for Trice Forgotten
Marisha Tapera for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Mark R. Healy for Midnight Burger
Martin Chodorek for Moonbase Theta, Out
Matt Brown for Kill Every Monster
Matt Evans for Old Gods of Appalachia
Melody Bridges for Midnight Burger
Mez Galaria for Trice Forgotten
Michael Antico for Forgive Me!
Michael Larkin for Forgive Me!
Michelle Kelly for Strong Branching Out
Miki Ljuljdurovic for Kill Every Monster
MJ Bailey for Moonbase Theta, Out
Naomi Clarke for Strong Branching Out
Nhea Durousseau for Midnight Burger
Nichole Goodnight for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Nitsa Ortmann for Moonbase Theta, Out
Noah Baldwin for Death by Dying
Ollie Brady for Welcome to Reddington
Paul Warren for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Paul Warren for Strong Branching Out
Rebecca Stern for Midnight Burger
Redd Griffin for Welcome to Reddington
Rhys Lawton for Strong Branching Out
Richard Bobb-Semple for Trice Forgotten
Rosie for The Old Ways Podcast
Saja El-Shaer for Moonbase Theta, Out
Sam B. Nguyen for Moonbase Theta, Out
Sam Stark for Strong Branching Out
Sarah Price for Where the Stars Fell
Sawyer Greene for Forgive Me!
Shamini Bundell for Realms of Peril & Glory
Shelly Darrington for Midnight Burger
Sivan Raz for Strong Branching Out
Stephen Indrisano for Strong Branching Out
Steve Shell for Hello From The Hallowoods
Su Ling Chan for Death by Dying
Susannah Snowden-Ifft for Strong Branching Out
Tesneem Rahhal for Moonbase Theta, Out
Tim Meredith for The Amelia Project
Tom Webster for Midnight Burger
Tomi Zandshtein for Midnight Burger
Travis Hollifield for Old Gods of Appalachia
Tucker Ramseur for Death by Dying
W. Keith Tims for Strong Branching Out
William Wellman for Old Gods of Appalachia
Yuri Lowenthal for Old Gods of Appalachia
Zach Griffith for To DnD or Not To DnD
Zach Valenti for Forgive Me!
Zhu Ahnran for Trice Forgotten
New Recurring Voices
Aaron Schoenrock for Ghost Wax
Aaron-Louis Cadogan for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Addison Peacock for The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Alan Burgon for Re: Dracula
Alasdair Stuart for Among the Stacks
Alasdair Stuart for Re: Dracula
Alex Kingsley for Among the Stacks
Alex M for Dice Company
Andy Secombe for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Annie Lumsden for Starship Q Star
Atlas Gizzi for Ghost Wax
Ben Galpin for Re: Dracula
Ben Meredith for Among the Stacks
Ben Meredith for SUPER SUITS
Benjamin Garrison for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Beth Eyre for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Beth Eyre for Re: Dracula
Bonnie Calderwood Aspinwall for Re: Dracula
Brian Watson-Jones for Ghost Wax
Caroline Mincks for Re: Dracula
Christopher Vizurraga for Fawx & Stallion
Chuck M for Dice Company
Danni Hart for Last Light City Comics
Dave R for Dice Company
David Ault for Among the Stacks
David Ault for Re: Dracula
Donncha O’Dea for Petrified
Drey Mendez for Starship Q Star
Eira Major for Among the Stacks
Emily Battles for Ghost Wax
Erin Nicole Lundquist for SUPER SUITS
Felix Trench for Re: Dracula
Gail Estelle for Ghost Wax
Giancarlo Herrera for Re: Dracula
Graham Rowat for Re: Dracula
Harry L for Dice Company
Harry Roebuck for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Helie Dharia for Worlds Away
HJ Raiter for Ghost Wax
Ian Geers for Fawx & Stallion
Ioana Adăscăliței for Re: Dracula
Isabel Adomakoh Young for Re: Dracula
Isha Menon for Starship Q Star
Jeremy Thompson for Fawx & Stallion
Jesse Syratt for Among the Stacks
Jonathan Sims for Re: Dracula
Jonny Sims for SUPER SUITS
Josh Esmay for Ghost Wax
Karim Kronfli for Among the Stacks
Karim Kronfli for Re: Dracula
Kate Siegel for The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Katie Elsberry for Ghost Wax
Katie McLean Hainsworth for Fawx & Stallion
Kazeem Tosin Amore for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Lara Sawalha for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Lauren Clare for The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Lauren Grace Thompson for Fawx & Stallion
Lauren Shand for The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Lauren Wilbanks for Worlds Away
Lena Moon for Starship Q Star
Liam Geraghty for Petrified
Lindsay Zana for SUPER SUITS
Liz Dokukina for Ethics Town
Lucy Fitzgerald for Ghost Wax
Madi Opincaru for Re: Dracula
Margaret McAuliffe for Petrified
Marion Toro for SUPER SUITS
Mark Garkusha for Ghost Wax
Mary Catherine O’Harte for Among the Stacks
Meegan May for Starship Q Star
Michael Morales for Worlds Away
Michelle Kelly for Among the Stacks
Michelle McMahon for Petrified
Mihai Matei for Re: Dracula
Mitchel Brooks for Ghost Wax
Mo Shatara for Worlds Away
Mornal for SUPER SUITS
Nathan Blades for Re: Dracula
Noah Belachew for SUPER SUITS
Oliver Graham for Among the Stacks
Rebecca Hansson for SUPER SUITS
Rhys Lawton for Ethics Town
Robert Knutson for Ghost Wax
Ryan Hopevere-Anderson for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Sarah Agha for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Sarah Golding for Re: Dracula
Sarah Lambie for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Sarah Lineberry for Ghost Wax
Sasha Sienna for Re: Dracula
Scott Limbrick for Starship Q Star
Shawn Pfautsch for Fawx & Stallion
Sivan Raz for Re: Dracula
Stephanie Olson for Ghost Wax
Stephen Knowles for The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Sunanda for Starship Q Star
Tina Muñoz Pandya for Fawx & Stallion
Tommy Malouf for Fawx & Stallion
Tony Patton for Ghost Wax
Trevor Shand for The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Ty Coker for SUPER SUITS
Recurring Voices
Alan Burgon for The Amelia Project
Alex Kingsley for Strong Branching Out
Alicia Atkins for Moonbase Theta, Out
Amelia Bethel for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Anjali Kunapaneni for Moonbase Theta, Out
Anna Godfrey for Moonbase Theta, Out
Anna Maguire for Find Us Alive
Anuja Vaidya for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Arch for The Lucky Die
Ashley Goh for Trice Forgotten
Becca Marcus for Moonbase Theta, Out
Brendan Sherlock for Academy H
Brian David Gilbert for Where the Stars Fell
Cam Collins for Old Gods of Appalachia
Casey Edison for The Lucky Die
Cass McPhee for Moonbase Theta, Out
Cat Blackard for Moonbase Theta, Out
Christopher Pappas for Tavern Tales
Claire Clauson for Severed Sons
Clarisa Cherie Rios for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Claudia Elvidge for Moonbase Theta, Out
Clint Worthington for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Cole Burkhardt for Moonbase Theta, Out
Corey Spruill for Moonbase Theta, Out
Corrbette Pasko for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Cyd Cary-Avery for Resting Glitch Face
D.J. Sylvis for Moonbase Theta, Out
Dalia Ramahi for Moonbase Theta, Out
Dallas Wheatley for Moonbase Theta, Out
Danilo Battistini for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Danyelle Ellett for Moonbase Theta, Out
David S. Dear for Moonbase Theta, Out
DeWayne Feenstra for Tavern Tales
DJ Rogers for Old Gods of Appalachia
Dot Moore for Resting Glitch Face
Eden Summer for Where the Stars Fell
EK Brickner for Strong Branching Out
Ele Matelan for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Elissa Park for Moonbase Theta, Out
Enrique Perez for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Eric Nelsen for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Erika Ishii for Death by Dying
Evan Gulock for Death by Dying
Evan Tess Murray for Moonbase Theta, Out
Eyþór Viðarsson for The Lucky Die
Finlay Stevenson for Midnight Burger
Florian Seidler for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Gabriel Taneko for Moonbase Theta, Out
Gigi Zahir for Trice Forgotten
Glory Duda for Moonbase Theta, Out
Grace Griego for Strong Branching Out
Hazel Stapp for Moonbase Theta, Out
Hemi Yeroham for The Amelia Project
Hilary Williams for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Iridian Fierro for Death by Dying
Isa Ramos for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Jackson McMurray for Find Us Alive
James Barbarossa for Realms of Peril & Glory
Jamie Carbone for Academy H
Jasper William Cartwright for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
JD McElligott for Academy H
Jean Williams for Bell’s in the Batfry
Jen Ponton for Moonbase Theta, Out
Joe Fisher for Midnight Burger
Josh Helgeson for Severed Sons
Joshua K. Harris for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Journee LaFond for Moonbase Theta, Out
Julia C. Thorne for The Amelia Project
Julia Smith for Academy H
Julie Cowden-Starbird for Midnight Burger
Karin Heimdahl for The Lucky Die
Kathleen Hoil for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
KC Wayland for The Lucky Die
Kessir Riliniki for The Lucky Die
Kiera Gill for Where the Stars Fell
Krista D’Agostino for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Kristi Boulton for Moonbase Theta, Out
Kristina Manente for Tavern Tales
Kyle Street for Where the Stars Fell
LaQuin Groves for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Laura Girling for Realms of Peril & Glory
Lauren Denby for Death by Dying
Leeman Kessler for Moonbase Theta, Out
Leslie Gideon for Moonbase Theta, Out
LilyPichu for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Liz Anderson for Campaign: Skyjacks
Liz Campbell for Realms of Peril & Glory
Logan Laidlaw for Find Us Alive
Maddie Graham for Resting Glitch Face
Maddy Searle for Realms of Peril & Glory
Madelyn Harvieux for Where the Stars Fell
Mark Soloff for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Marsha Harman for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Matt Young for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Max Fleischhacker for Where the Stars Fell
Michael Turrentine for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Naomi Bartoo for Trice Forgotten
Naomi Clarke for Realms of Peril & Glory
Nathan Blades for Campaign: Skyjacks
NayMyo Win for Moonbase Theta, Out
Neal Starbird for Midnight Burger
Neil Martin for The Lucky Die
Newton Schottelkotte for Where the Stars Fell
Niko Gerentes for Death by Dying
Pat King for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Paul Gary for Severed Sons
Philomena Sherwood for Moonbase Theta, Out
Pip Gladwin for Realms of Peril & Glory
Ray Christian for Old Gods of Appalachia
Rebecca Brough for Trice Forgotten
Rissa Montañez for Moonbase Theta, Out
Robin Regalado for Moonbase Theta, Out
Ross Griffin for Severed Sons
Sahar Iman for Where the Stars Fell
Sam Yeow for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Sarah Doreen MacPhee for Old Gods of Appalachia
Sarah Rhea Warner for Moonbase Theta, Out
Sebastian Orr for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Serena Rahal for Moonbase Theta, Out
Shade Oyemakinwa for Moonbase Theta, Out
Shahan Hamza for Trice Forgotten
Shannon Irwin for Resting Glitch Face
Shasparay Irvin for Old Gods of Appalachia
Shereen Lani Younes for Moonbase Theta, Out
Siouxsie Suarez for Midnight Burger
Sophie Yang for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Stephanie Hickling-Beckman for Old Gods of Appalachia
Stephen LaFond for Moonbase Theta, Out
Steve Shell for Old Gods of Appalachia
Steve Shell for Where the Stars Fell
Symphony Sanders for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Tabi Bardall for Find Us Alive
Tal Minear for Moonbase Theta, Out
Tasch Ritter for Find Us Alive
Tau Zaman for Moonbase Theta, Out
Teddy Hannah-Drullard for Moonbase Theta, Out
Tim Meredith for Trice Forgotten
Tina Case for Moonbase Theta, Out
Tom Moorman for Midnight Burger
Tom Zalatnai for Moonbase Theta, Out
Tracey Johnston-Crum for Old Gods of Appalachia
Tyler Davis for Campaign: Skyjacks
Vic Zander for Trice Forgotten
William A. Wellman for Hello From The Hallowoods
Zach Burrell for Severed Sons
New Music
Baba Yaga Saga – By Travis Vengroff Ryan McQuinn K.A. Statz and Erebusodora for The Boar Knight
Bad Days Behind Us – By Ryan McQuinn K.A. Statz & Travis Vengroff for The Boar Knight
Ballad of the Bear King – By Ryan McQuinn David Devereux K.A. Statz & Travis Vengroff for The Boar Knight
Fond Farewells – By Steven Melin Ryan McQuinn Susan McQuinn Travis Vengroff & K.A. Statz for The Boar Knight
Home to the Meadow – By Loren Daniel Turner Peter Pepper Frankie Raye K.A. Statz & Travis Vengroff for The Boar Knight
In These Rows – By Ryan McQuinn Peter Joseph Lewis K.A. Statz & Travis Vengroff for The Boar Knight
Misunderstood- By Ryan McQuinn Justin Kautz K.A. Statz & Travis Vengroff for The Boar Knight
Ocean King – By Travis Vengroff Ryan McQuinn Susan McQuinn & K.A. Statz for The Boar Knight
Sinister Stirring Stories – By Ryan McQuinn David Cummings K.A. Statz & Travis Vengroff for The Boar Knight
Ghost Wax Theme by Bo Hoover for Ghost Wax
The Landscape by Jon Ossip for Worlds Away
The Valiant by Jon Ossip for Worlds Away
Bite by Newton Schottelkotte for Re: Dracula
Fawx & Stallion Credits by Baldemar for Fawx & Stallion
Fawx & Stallion Theme by Baldemar for Fawx & Stallion
Pompey & The Pirates by Sam Jones for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Cry Havoc! Main Title by Sam Jones for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Politics by Sam Jones for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Assassination by Sam Jones for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
When In Rome by Sam Jones for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Cleopatra & Mark Anthony by Sam Jones for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Charmian & Octavia by Sam Jones for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Dynamic Intro (Hard Energetic Powerful Rock Antecedentes Music Song) by MFCC for Dice Company
The Ratchatcher written by Ester Ellis performed by Stephen Indrisano Josh Rubino Brad Colbroock Newt Schottelkotte and Sivan Raz & produced by Tal Minear and Brad Colbroock. for Re: Dracula
Ethics Town Theme by Mick Zijdel for Ethics Town
I’m One by Radix The Binary Rapper for HUMAN-B-GON
Piday by Rebecca Block for HUMAN-B-GON
You Get My Floppy Drive Hard by Ones N’ Ohses for HUMAN-B-GON
SUPER SUITS Official Theme Song by afkai for SUPER SUITS
Last Light by David Wise Steven Melin Lyrics by Travis Vengroff for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
The Selkie and the Diviner-Shell By Steven Melin and Travis Vengroff for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Sufferers’ Cant by Hitoshi Sakimoto Steven Melin Lyrics by Travis Vengroff & Florian Seidler for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Blood On Your Shoes by Newton Schottelkotte for Where the Stars Fell
Panthers on the Mountain Side by Jon Charles Dwyer for Old Gods of Appalachia
Ahn by Sam Jones for Trice Forgotten
Alestes by Sam Jones for Trice Forgotten
Gammon by Sam Jones for Trice Forgotten
Siva by Sam Jones for Trice Forgotten
Trice Forgotten Main Theme by Sam Jones for Trice Forgotten
Starcrossed Gods Intro by Rat Grimes for Hello From The Hallowoods
Starcrossed Gods Outro by Rat Grimes for Hello From The Hallowoods
The Rise of Gloria Kovak by Pete Barry for Mission: Rejected
Atonement by Jon Charles Dwyer for Old Gods of Appalachia
The Land Unknown (The Bloody Ground Verses)by Landon Blood for Old Gods of Appalachia
Unwell Theme by Stephen Poon for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Norah’s Stars by Jeffrey Nils Gardner for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Goodnight Mt. Absalom by Jessica Best for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Elvis Theme by Fredrik Baden for The Amelia Project
Punk Theme by Fredrik Baden for The Amelia Project
Western Theme by Fredrik Baden for The Amelia Project
Cabaret Theme by Adam Raymonda for The Amelia Project
Pirate Theme by Fredrik Baden for The Amelia Project
Hitchcock Theme by Adam Raymonda for The Amelia Project
Glass Harmonica Theme by Adam Raymonda for The Amelia Project
The Prose Suite by Jackson McMurray for Find Us Alive
Cold Medicine by Jackson McMurray for Find Us Alive
The Wailing Wharf Widow by The Bally-Go-Backward Boys for Death by Dying
New Music Director
Aaron Schoenrock for Ghost Wax
Alex Schwartz, Linwood for Among the Stacks
Amelia Kinch, TJ Woods (afkai) for SUPER SUITS
Baldemar for Fawx & Stallion
COAG, The Newton Brothers, Kevin MacLeod, Brian Holtz, Dave Deville, Tim Kulig for The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Gerard Coleman for Tales From the Fringes of Reality
Jack Lewis for Starship Q Star
Mick Zijdel, Cai Gwilym Pritchard for Ethics Town
Newton Schottelkotte, Travis Reaves, and Tal Minear for Re: Dracula
Sam Jones for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Music Director
Adam Raymonda for Forgive Me!
Composer – Sam Jones, Additional Music – Katharine Seaton, Music Editor – Katharine Seaton for Trice Forgotten
Evan Gulock, Niko Gerentes, Noah Baldwin for Death by Dying
Fredrik Skaare Baden for The Amelia Project
Jackson McMurray for Find Us Alive
Joe Fisher for Midnight Burger
Newton Schottelkotte, Tyler Petty for Where the Stars Fell
Stephen Poon for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Steve Shell for Old Gods of Appalachia
William A. Wellman for Hello From The Hallowoods
New Production
Among the Stacks
Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Dice Company
Ethics Town
Fawx & Stallion
Ghost Wax
Last Light City Comics
Re: Dracula
Starship Q Star
The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Worlds Away
Academy H
Bell’s in the Batfry
Campaign: Skyjacks
Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Death by Dying
Find Us Alive
Hello From The Hallowoods
Midnight Burger
Moonbase Theta, Out
Old Gods of Appalachia
Realms of Peril & Glory
Resting Glitch Face
Severed Sons
Strong Branching Out
Tavern Tales
The Amelia Project
The Lucky Die
Trice Forgotten
Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Where the Stars Fell
New Director
Alex Kingsley for Among the Stacks
Amani Zardoe for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Amelia Kinch for SUPER SUITS
Drew Frohmann for HUMAN-B-GON
Hannah Wright, Ella Watts, Stephen Indrisano for Re: Dracula
Ian Geers, Lauren Grace Thompson for Fawx & Stallion
Jon Ossip for Worlds Away
Justin “Hyper” Joyce for Last Light City Comics
Lauren Anderson for Starship Q Star
Matthew Wilson for Spire
Peter Dunne for Petrified
Robert Knutson for Ghost Wax
TC Patrick for Dice Company
Alex Kingsley for Strong Branching Out
Alexander Danner, Jeff Van Dreason for Greater Boston
Bob Raymonda, Jack Marone for Forgive Me!
Eric Ausley for Resting Glitch Face
Hem “Volonda” Brewster for The Lucky Die
James D’Amato for Campaign: Skyjacks
Jeffrey Nils Gardner for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Joe Fisher for Midnight Burger
John Bell for Bell’s in the Batfry
K.A. Statz & Travis Vengroff for Dark Dice: Shores of the Silver Thrum
Kyle Gould for Tavern Tales
Mark Nixon for Shadows at the Door
Newton Schottelkotte for Where the Stars Fell
Niko Gerentes for Death by Dying
Philip Thorne, Oystein Ulsberg Brager for The Amelia Project
Rafaella Marcus for Trice Forgotten
Ron Murphy for Severed Sons
Steve Shell for Old Gods of Appalachia
Will Malkus for Academy H
Zack FG for Realms of Peril & Glory
New Art
Andrew Tremblay for The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Gabriel for Petrified
Guerrila Communications for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Kate Moon for Starship Q Star
Nigel McKeon for Among the Stacks
Pinja Vuorela for Ethics Town
Sam Twardy for Fawx & Stallion
Tal Minear for Re: Dracula
The Angel Incarnate for Ghost Wax
Tony DiCaro-Smith for SUPER SUITS
Anders Pedersen for The Amelia Project
Anna Maguire for Find Us Alive
Caitlin Hoilman for Where the Stars Fell
Dan Streeting for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Guerrilla Communications for Trice Forgotten
Jan Ma for Midnight Burger
Peter Chiykowski for Moonbase Theta, Out
Steve Shell for Old Gods of Appalachia
Thomas Gulock for Death by Dying
William A. Wellman for Hello From The Hallowoods
New Writing
Bram Stoker for Re: Dracula
CL Hendry for Ethics Town
David K Barnes, Grace Knight, Maud Dromgoole, Robert Valentine, Octavia Bray, Rhys Tirado, Tom Crowley, Sarah Shachat, Rafaella Marcus for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Hannah Levin, Jaci Seelagy, Stefen Lewis, JC Miller, Joe Cruz, Rebecca Hicks, Paul Walsh for SUPER SUITS
Ian Geers, Lauren Grace Thompson for Fawx & Stallion
Meegan May & Lauren Anderson, Lena Moon for Starship Q Star
Moe T, Trevor Shand, Lauren Shand, Kronik, Lighting Nations, PerfectCircle35 for The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Nigel McKeon, J. R. Steele, Alex Nightingale, Alex Kingsley, Jesse Syratt, Claire A. Dinnebier for Among the Stacks
Peter Dunne for Petrified
Robert Knutson, Stephanie Olson, Brian Watson-Jones, Sarah Lineberry, Mark Garkusha, Anaise Bosio for Ghost Wax
Anna Maguire for Find Us Alive
D.J. Sylvis for Moonbase Theta, Out
Evan Gulock, Niko Gerentes for Death by Dying
Jim McDoniel, Jessica Wright Buha, Bilal Dardai, Jessica Best for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Joe Fisher for Midnight Burger
Nemo Martin, Rafaella Marcus, Morgan Givens for Trice Forgotten
Newton Schottelkotte, Lucy Brown, Lauren Grace Thompson for Where the Stars Fell
Philip Thorne, Oystein Ulsberg Brager for The Amelia Project
Steve Shell, Cam Collins for Old Gods of Appalachia
William A. Wellman for Hello From The Hallowoods
New Sound Design
Aaron Schoenrock for Ghost Wax
Alex Kingsley, Eira Major, Linwood for Among the Stacks
Cai Gwilym Pritchard for Ethics Town
Cai Gwilym Pritchard for SUPER SUITS
Darius Kedros for Starship Q Star
Liam Geraghty for Petrified
Sarah Buchynski for Fawx & Stallion
Tal Minear for Re: Dracula
Tessa Vroom, Meg McKeller, Katharine Seaton, Catherine Rinella for Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later
Trevor Shand, Lauren Shand for The Antiquarium Of Sinister Happenings
Sound Design
Adam Raymonda, Alexander Danner for The Amelia Project
Anna Maguire for Find Us Alive
Cass McPhee for Moonbase Theta, Out
Dialogue Editor – Nico Vettese, Dialogue Editor – Lowri Ann Davies, Sound Designer – Maddy Searle, Sound Designer – Tessa Vroom, Sound Designer, Dialogue Editor & Music Editor – Katharine Seaton, Mastering Editor & Sound Designer – Catherine Rinella for Trice Forgotten
Eli Hamada McIlveen, Ryan Schile, Alexander Danner, Jeffrey Nils Gardner for Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Joe Fisher for Midnight Burger
Newton Schottelkotte for Where the Stars Fell
Niko Gerentes for Death by Dying
Steve Shell for Old Gods of Appalachia
William A. Wellman for Hello From The Hallowoods